Strandgården was built in 1877 at another location in Hoverberg by developer Jöns Olsson. The house was moved to its current location in 1883. It became the village’s first pharmacy, named The Swan. The pharmacy was located on the ground floor. Upstairs were the living quarters of the pharmacist and his family. The house was stately with its two floors and attic, square ground floor and abundant of wood carving details. The first owner was Carl Knut Strömberg, who in addition to medicines also sold gunpowder, dynamite, electricity machines, morphine syringes and inhalers. A wide range, to say the least! He died after only a few years and was succeeded in 1898 by the pharmacist Adolf Grape who remained in the house until his death in 1924.

The main character in the house’s history, is however Brita Ståhl. She started her guest house business here in the 1940s. She was the one who named the house Strandgården and attracted guests from near and far, looking to enjoy Jämtlands fresh air and nature. The interior of the house is today is inspired by the boarding house and a part of the furnishings, furniture, curtains and sheets are preserved. There were five guest rooms with a total of ten beds, a dining room and comfortable living rooms. Brita, who lived alone all her life, was a real was a real entrepreneur and a well-known person in the local area.
She had built up the entire business from the ground up. Her life story is an important reminder of the many female entrepreneurs that lived in the countryside, but who are often forgotten in history. When the guest house business eventually declined, Brita was not giving up. Instead, she opened a kiosk on the ground floor while the rest of the house stood empty. Many people in the village still remember her as a kind old lady who sold caramel and sweets through a small serving hatch.
We bought Strandgården in 2018. The beautiful house had stood empty and decayed for decades. We started the major renovation with gentle care. In the spring of 2022, we were finally able to open our B&B and welcome guests.